A number of years ago, I researched my first name's origin. Jonathan derives from the Hebrew "Yehonatan" (yay-ho-nah-tohn) which translates as "Yahweh has given." Since learning this rich meaning, I have begun signing each piece of artwork with my Hebrew name; reminding me that each artwork is a gift from God. It is He who enables me to dream and express these artistic visions with paint strokes and pencil sketches for His glory and for my joy.


(acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 48"X60," 2022-2023)
Meaning & Message:
Based on Revelation 7:9-10, this painting reflects on God receiving glory and honor through the praise of the saints from every tribe, tongue and nation. What a beautiful moment that will be. This artwork also serves as a reminder of the wonderful opportunity we have now to join together, beholding our Maker and loving one another.
You will also notice the depiction of the Trinity: the almighty Father on the Throne, the beloved Son as the Lamb in His arms and the Holy Spirit represented by seven doves.
I chose to highlight the theme of Man’s tyranny versus Jesus’ reign through the depiction of the dismantled bricks and the stonework. The bricks represent manipulative conformity for the sake of control and efficiency. Whereas the stones represent the beauty of diversity and Jesus’ perfect leadership of an international community with an intimate relationship with every individual.